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Friday, July 2, 2010

First Post: About this blog...

Welcome! Let me tell you a little about myself, and this website.

From the late 90's to the early 2000's, I ran a Sandra Bullock fansite. In the days before "news blogs" and RSS feeds, I regularly reported Sandra Bullock News on my dot com. People liked it, and it got pretty popular. Popular to the point where I actually got to meet her!

This is a picture taken of Sandra Bullock and I.
I cropped myself out :-p

Anyway, maybe a year or so later, I retired the site. I'd like to keep those reasons to myself, but I never did lose interest in Sandra or her movies.

Recently, I looked at my old VHS tapes, and decided to convert them digitally. It's a huge task that will probably take forever.

This is maybe a third of my collection. yikes!

In an effort to motivate myself into finishing this, I set up this blog, and I will post old clips of Sandra from my tape collection. I hope it works!

Now for disclaimers:
*The content of these videos are the property of their respective owners. I claim no ownership of them.*
*You might have seen a lot of these on YouTube already. Frankly, I don't care.*
*If any of these get taken down by YouTube, do not expect me to re-upload them. Sorry.*


  1. Why did You ncropped yourself out from this pic! I woud like to see it! :D:D
    I'm so jealous of you! maybe someday I wll meet her too...
    Anyway I not sure if you even recognize me but I'm Maciej (Snajper) and I run Sandra Bullock blog in Poland for almost 6 years now.
    I just woud like thank you for all videos :)

  2. God bless you for doing this :)
    I'd like to be lucky enough to meet her one day too!
    Anyway, thank you so much for the good initiative, that's a lot of work you have to do but please don't give up hahaha thanks a lot :)

  3. Hello!
    Thank you for the excellent initiative! I really respect that! Keep up the spirit! Nothing of what you published, I had not seen before:) You have an extensive collection.
    How cool that you met with Sandra :)) I also dream about it for 16 years.

  4. Well, it's really nice that you had this amazing idea. I've never seen any of these videos of yours on YouTube and I love to see "classic" videos :)

    Please, keep doing this great job!

    I've always liked of Sandra but I just got interested about her life and everything about her in a few months ago, so I'd love to see everything I can!

    Thank you sooo much!!!


