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Sunday, July 11, 2010

1999: FANatic

If anyone doesn't remember, this was a show on MTV where superfans got to interview their idols. This was around the time of Forces of Nature, so this episode featured fans of Sandra Bullock and Ben Affleck. For these videos, I cut out all the Affleck-related scenes. So this is all Sandra and her "FANatic."
The first video is all about her fan, and the second is their interview together...

I gotta say, after what's happened in the last year, it's kinda weird to see Sandra talk about certain things in her old interviews.
Fun fact: I actually tried out for this show! I sent a video, and even got interviewed on the phone by MTV. But as you can see, that's as far as it went for me.


  1. It was so funny! When I was watching the first part I was wondering how I would react if I had a chance like him! His shoes :D:D
    Sandra was so hot in this interview! Gosh I wish some day... She is so, so so far way...
    Thank You again for this

  2. These videos are so cool! Thank you so much for posting!!!!!!!!
    Just loved this blog. Already listed as my favorite =D

